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Fresh Cup Fridays - All our Relationships

At Inner Life Transformations, almost all our work has to do with relationships: understanding them, growing with them, healing them, and learning from them. Some relationships are wonderfully embracing and energy-giving. Others may be seriously energy-depleting or even toxic. How do we handle each type? Who are these relationships with? Self, Family, Friends, Coworkers, Superiors, and Higher Power. Problems in any of these relationships is the fertile ground for counseling or coaching. The goal is resolution and healing. So, for the next few weeks we will explore some of the ways we address problems in relationships. Below you will see the topics with some tips and introductory reading resources to get you started, but each week’s blog will dive in much deeper.

Inner Children: The Relationship Within

Tip: When your Adult Within is finally, lovingly in charge, your Inner Children are no longer running your life and they are quite relieved to let go of these often-overwhelming adult responsibilities (overwhelming for a child or teen anyway).

Book: Homecoming by John Bradshaw

Codependency: The Relationship Without

Tip: One sign of codependency is finding yourself in the Rescuer Role over and over in your relationships. The pattern can be broken.

Book: Women Who Love Too Much by Robin Norwood

Dating in the 21st Century: Could it be any crazier?

Tip: In case you hadn’t noticed (LOL), all the old rules are gone.

Book: Mars and Venus on a Date by John Gray

Common Mistakes and Sabotages in Love Relationships

Tip: Unconsciously feeling you don’t deserve love.

Book: The Man’s Guide to Women by John and Julie Gottman

Past Life Relationships in Present Day Life

Tip: It’s not always about this life.

Book: Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss

Healthy Partnership: Yes, it is possible!

Tip: Love is an action verb!

Book: The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts by Gary Chapman

We want your feedback and will be happy to hear your comments.

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